Over the years my photography, and vision for it have changed and morphed many times.  However, one thing that has remained consistent is that photography is often a sacred space for me to recharge and breathe.  When life is overwhelming taking my camera out into nature is the thing that quiets me and helps me to recenter in the midst of the craziness. 

 My prayer, when I pick up my camera, is often: Lord help me see with your eyes.  In those moments, there have been many times that the Lord has given me a “God Picture”, something that speaks to me of hope, or joy, or whatever I am processing with Him at that moment. For me, it is meaningful photography, a reflection of His heart and creativity.  Little visual treasures that represent His love and care for me.  I truly love sharing these captures with others and hope that they are touched by the beauty of His world like I am.

And so as I “reinvent” my web page and blog, my hope is to share my heart as well as more meaningful photography in the form of my art.  I hope you will join me in the journey to not just look but to truly see, and maybe just maybe, catch a glimpse of our Creator God and his incredible love for us in that ‘seeing’.  And I pray that it will bring some encouragement to you along the way.                                                                                                                   



…Wonderful are your works;
that I know very well.

Psalm 139:14b